【概要描述】A great resource of real-world gear engineering, and includes modeling, analysis, and failure theory.For more than 30 years the book Practical Gear Design, later re-titled Handbook of Practical Gear D
【概要描述】A great resource of real-world gear engineering, and includes modeling, analysis, and failure theory.For more than 30 years the book Practical Gear Design, later re-titled Handbook of Practical Gear D
推荐书目:Handbook of Practical Gear Design
作者:Darle W.Dudley
A great resource of real-world gear engineering, and includes modeling, analysis, and failure theory.
For more than 30 years the book Practical Gear Design, later re-titled Handbook of Practical Gear Design, has been the leading engineering guide and reference on the subject.
The book is a detailed, practical guide and reference to gear technology. The design of all types of gears is covered, from those for small mechanisms to large industrial applications. The presentation is designed for easy reference for those involved in practical gear design, manufacture, applications and problem solving. The text is well illustrated with clear diagrams and photographs. The many tables provide needed reference data in convenient form.
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